Learning Dispositions
Learning Dispositions
Our Goal
We recognise that every BLGian has the potential to be a Confident Learner who finds joy in learning, holds the power to his/her future while pursuing learning even when it gets challenging, and strives to support his/her peers within the school community to achieve learning goals together.
Our Approach
To nurture our BLGians to be Confident Learners, our teachers develop their learning dispositions to equip them with the 21st Century Competencies, and the positive behaviours and attitudes that are important for lifelong learning.
The four learning dispositions our students will acquire are Motivation, Self-directedness, Resilience and Connectedness.

Key programmes
Learning Dispositions lessons and activities
Aligned to our school’s vision of a garden where diversity blossoms, our teachers design activities and create inclusive learning spaces that cater to the readiness levels of our students. The Learning Dispositions lessons and activities are enacted through our Back-to-School programme, FTGP lessons, recess activities and learning environment. This ensures that every BLGian has ample opportunities to practise and strengthen their learning dispositions.
Besides various hands-on activities and class discussions, BLGians also demonstrate their learning through daily routines in school and at home, to show how they have benefitted from the lessons taught and to pursue lifelong learning beyond the classroom.

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